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TRI(H) Type Rating Instructor

The aim of the course:

The aim of the TRI(H) course is to train helicopter licence holders to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a TRI(H) rating. AIR PLAN AVIATION ATO offers initial TRI (H) training on ATO’s Type Rating Helicopters approved training courses by HCAA

Pre-entry requirements

  • An applicant for the TRI (H) certificate shall be at least 18 years of age.
  • hold a CPL, MPL or ATPL pilot licence on helicopters;
  • hold at least the licence and where relevant the rating for which flight instruction is to be given;
  • have completed at least 15 hours of flight time as a pilot on the type of aircraft on which flight instruction is to be given; or passed an assessment of competence for the relevant category of instructor on that class or type of aircraft;
  • be entitled to act as PIC on the aircraft during such flight instruction.
  • have completed 250 hours as a pilot on helicopters.

Training Syllabi

The TRI training course shall include, at least:
  • 25 hours of teaching and learning;
  • 10 hours of technical training, including revision of technical knowledge, the preparation of lesson plans and the development of classroom/simulator instructional skills;
  • 5 hours of flight instruction on the appropriate aircraft

Applicants holding or having held an instructor certificate shall be fully credited towards the requirement of 25 hours of teaching and learninG.

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