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CPL(H) Commercial Pilot License

The aim of the course:

The aim of the CPL (H) modular course is to train PPL (H) pilot licence holders to the level of proficiency necessary to obtain the EASA PART FCL CPL(H).

Pre-entry requirements

An applicant for a CPL(H) shall be at least 18 years of age.
An applicant for a CPL(H) shall hold a valid Class 1 medical certificate. In order to exercise the privileges of the CPL(H) a valid Class 1 medical certificate shall be held.
Before commencing a CPL(H) modular course an applicant shall:

  • be the holder of a PPL(H) issued in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention.
  • have completed 155 hours flight time, including 50 hours as PIC in helicopters of which 10 hours shall be cross-country.

Training Syllabi

The course shall comprise:
  • Theoretical knowledge instruction to CPL knowledge level. An approved CPL(H) theoretical knowledge course shall comprise at least 268 hours of instruction.
  • Visual flying training
  • Instrument flying training
  • Night flying training if required

Note: training is done on SEP helicopters such as the Robinsons R22 and R44 aircrafts.

Applicants without an IR shall be given at least 30 hours dual flight instruction, of which:

  • 20 hours visual instruction, which may include 5 hours in a helicopter FFS or FTD 2,3 or FNPT II,III; and
  • 10 hours instrument instruction, which may include 5 hours in at least a helicopter FTD 1 or FNPT I or aeroplane.

Applicants without a night rating helicopter shall be given additionally at least 5 hours night flight instruction comprising 3 hours of dual instruction including at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation and 5 solo night circuits. Each circuit shall include a take-off and a landing.

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