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FI(H) Flight Instructor

The aim of the course:

The aim of the FI(H) course is to train helicopter licence holders to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a FI(H) rating. AIR PLAN AVIATION ATO FI(H) training is done on SEP helicopters such as the Robinsons R22 and R44 aircrafts.

Pre-entry requirements

An applicant for an instructor certificate shall be at least 18 years of age and hold at least the licence and, where relevant, the rating for which flight instruction is to be given; Have completed at least 15 hours of flight as a pilot on the type of aircraft on which flight instruction is to be given, or have passed an assessment of competence for the relevant category of instructor on that type of aircraft; Be entitled to act as PIC on the aircraft during such flight instruction. Have received at least 10 hours of instrument flight instruction on the appropriate aircraft category, of which not more than 5 hours may be instrument ground time in an FSTD; Have completed 20 hours of VFR cross-country flight on the appropriate on helicopters Have completed 250 hours total flight time as pilot on helicopters of which:

  • at least 100 hours shall be as PIC, if the applicant holds at least a CPL(H); or
  • at least 200 hours as PIC, if the applicant holds at least a PPL(H) and has met the requirements for CPL theoretical knowledge

Training Syllabi

The training course will develop safety awareness throughout by teaching the knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to the FI task including at least the following:
  • refresh and bring up to date the technical knowledge of the student instructor;
  • train the student instructor to teach the ground subjects and air exercises;
  • ensure that the student instructor’s flying is of a sufficiently high standard; and
  • teach the student instructor the principles of basic instruction and to apply them at the PPL level.

The course shall comprise:

  • Part 1, theoretical knowledge, including the teaching and learning instruction that should comply with AMC1 FCL.920;
    - The FI theoretical training course shall include:
    - - 25 hours of teaching and learning;
    - - at least 100 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction, including progress tests
  • Part 2, flight instruction.
    -  flight instructor course shall comprise a total of at least 30 hours, not include all flying tests, of which 25 hours shall be dual flight instruction. The remaining five hours may be mutual flying (that is, two applicants flying together to practice flight demonstrations) as decided by HoT.
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