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MCCI(A) Multi Crew Cooperation Instructor

The aim of the course:

The aim of the course is train airplane license holders to the level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a MCCI (A) certificate.

Pre-entry requirements

An applicant for the MMCI (A) course shall:
  • hold or have held a CPL, MPL or ATPL in the appropriate aircraft category;
  • have at least 1500 hours of flying experience as a pilot on multi-pilot operations.
  • CPL (Frozen ATPL), PPL/IR or CPL/IR

Training Syllabi

  • Part 1: teaching and learning that should follow the content of AMC1 FCL.920; 4 days – 25 hours
  • Part 2: technical theoretical knowledge instruction (technical training); 2 days – 14 hours;
  • Part 3: flight instruction. 3 hours of practical instruction, which may be flight instruction or MCC instruction on the relevant FNPT II/III MCC, FTD 2/3 or FFS, under the supervision of a TRI, SFI or MCCI
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    Markopoulos 19003

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